

Izumi Ogura

Professor of English
Department of Political Science
Daito Bunka University

** Academic Achievement **   

English Page (John Cotton and Thomas Hooker)

Recent topics and events of the grant projects


English Page of Ogura's Grants-in-Aid

Thank you for the abstracts submitted
For my session below mentioned, I enjoyed reading abstracts from South Korea, Japan and the United States. As my session has a time range from 1620 to aroung 1865, I had to decline several abstracts. But I enjoyed reading them and felt I could accept all of them if possible.

Calll for Papers for March 2019
Izumi Ogura will hold a session at the 50th Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Washington D.C., March 21-24, 2019. The title of a session is "Cross-Sectional Intellect and Social Justice from Puritanism to American Renaissance." I would like to deal with the undercurrent of American ideas from John Cotton and Thomas Hooker to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. I personally would like to talk about continuities of religious piety from Cotton through Jonathan Edwards to Emerson.
Please refer to the homepage of the Northeast MLA and click the future convention. If you click Call for Papers, you can just sort American and Anglophone sessions. You will find my session. The session topic ranges various fields from literature, religion, and politics. The deadline for submitting abstracts is September 30. Please make your own account on line (free), paste your abstract and brief bio, and send it to me. I look forward to receiving your paper.
The Convention will be held at the suburb of Capital Washingon, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center. It is about 20 minutes by taxi from Union Station. Washinton in late March is filled with beautiful cherry blossoms and Gaylord Resort is located on the Potomac river. Besides presentations of 460 various sessions, we will enjoy early spring in Washington.  

New Project 2014-16
I received a new grant Challenging Exploratory Research for the year 2014-2015. The title of the grant is "American Literature and American Enlightenment." I am planning to continue my research on Puritanism in America and trace how the religion in the colonial era transformed and weakened in 1700-1776. In addition to the town of Hartford, Connecticut, I will visit modern cities of Boston, Providence, and New York. They are the spearheads of introducing new science and Enlightenment in 1700 and the home of spreading democracy in America.
 This new grant is a preparatory stage of a bigger project of Enlightenment and American independence. Though a hundred years of 1700-1800 was a shadow period to American Revolution, it was very important stepping stone for the flowering of American culture. Universities played a vital role of spreading new science and ideas. Harvard and Yale were religious institutions and produced many church ministers, but during 1700's they removed old religious color, took up science and transformed themselves to modern universities. My new project will explore this process of transformation.

Condolences to Mr. Shepherd M. Holcombe

Mr. Holcombe, the 8th generation of descendants of Thomas Hooker's elder sister, passed away on November 28, 2012. He was Chairman of Ancient Burying Ground Association of Hartford and contributed greatly to the presevation of the ABG. I met him in summer in 2012 for the first time and enjoyed talking with him about Thomas Hooker. The memorial service was donducted on December 8 at the Center Church of Hartford, where Thomas Hooker was a pastor.
 When I met Mr. Holcombe last summer, I met his daughter Anne. I would like to express my deep condolences to Anne and I hope we can continue our friendship.
 The news of Mr. Holcombe's passing away was brought by Mrs. Ruthie Brown, Executive Director of the Connecticut Gravestone Network.

English Page
 English Page was opened on November 1, 2012 to inform my co-researchers in the States of the envents and progress of the grant projects in Japan. This page was originally established as John Cotton and Thomas Hooker Page of the Academic Achievement and you could see the pictures relating to Puritanism in America. Though the explanation was written in Japanese, I hope you would enjoy the pictures.
 The top picture is John Cotton's gravestone at King's Chapel Cemetery in downtown Boston. The second one is Center Church of Hartford, Connecticut, which used to be the First Congregational Church of Hartford where Hooker was the paster.

Academic Achievement
 This site "Academic Achievement" is established for the purpose of letting the public know what is going on in the scholarship of colonial studies of British North America and literature of American Renaissance. The site is managed by Izumi Ogura, Professor, Department of Political Science, Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan.
 The site introduces what Japanese scholars of American Studies are doing in Tokyo. Many scholars appearing on this page studied at graduate schools in the United States, received Master's or Doctor's degrees from universities in the States, and got tenured professorships in Japan, teaching American literature and history at universities in Tokyo.
 Izumi and her Japanese co-researchers are members of academic societies such as Japanese Association of American Studies, English Literary Society of Japan, American Literature Society of Japan, to name just a few. When we present papers at national conventions, we inform you of the abstracts and summaries of the papers.


John Cotton (1584-1652) & Thomas Hooker (1586-1647)

 1630年にジョン・ウィンスロップがボストンに移住した際に、コットンは説教God's Promise to the Plantationを行ない、アメリカへの植民は神からの使命であると言います。コットン自身は1633年にボストンに渡航し、死去するまで人々の尊敬を集めました。会衆主義教会は、それぞれの教会の自治を重視して、監督組織を上部に置きませんでした。宗教信条は個人の信仰心を中心に教義を強制することもなく、牧師も教会員が選ぶシステムでした。新大陸に移住した彼らは、英国国教会を改革し、自由な宗教を目指したのです。ウィンスロップやコットンは、ボストン市内のキングス・チャペル墓地に埋葬され、現代のアメリカを見守っています。
(上段のEnglish Pageの中にある写真はキングス・チャペル墓地にあるコットンの墓です。同じ場所にニューへブン教会のジョン・ダヴェンポート牧師も埋葬されています。この墓地は、ボストン市内にあり、地下鉄のパーク・ストリートから数分の距離にあります。コットンが活躍していた時のボストンは、小さな半島でした。現在のボストン市内は、19世紀に埋め立てられ、広い平野となりました。この埋め立てには多くの木材が杭として打ち込まれました。)

 彼が見出した土地は、コネチカット川流域にあるハートフォードでした。インディアン名をSuckiaug (black earth)と呼ばれたこの土地は、牧草が豊かに生い茂るフロンティアでした。フッカーは、ボストンでも会衆主義教会のリーダーでしたが、ハートフォードではさらに改革を進めたのです。深い学識を持ったフッカーは、会衆主義の確立に尽力し、1648年のケンブリッジ綱領のもととなった『教会規律の概要』A Survey of the Summe of Church-Discipline (1648)を残しています。現在のハートフォードは、保険会社の本社所在地として有名ですが、植民地時代のタウンがそのまま残る町でもあります。ボストンが近代都市に変貌したのに対し、ハートフォードは古い町の姿を400年間変えずに現代に伝えています。このため、ハートフォードはコネチカット州の州都ですが、タウンの規模が植民地時代と同じなので、とてもコンパクトな印象がします。コネチカット川から教会まで、歩いて10分程度です。また町全体も、一日で歩ける範囲内にあります。
(下段の写真はハートフォード・センター教会です。フッカーが初代の牧師を勤めていたころは、ハートフォード教会と呼ばれていました。教会の裏はAncient Burying Groundで、フッカーの墓があります。教会の左側のOakは植民地時代に勅許状を隠したチャーター・オークの孫の木です。Constitution Oakと呼ばれていましたが、2012年のハリケーンで倒壊しました)

Scenes in New England


Boylston Hall, Harvard University



Old State House of Hartford




